I've been feeling a little bad. I told Dar I was going to finish my thank-yous by October (which to him meant by Oct. 31st, & to me meant Sept. 30th--any clue as to who's the bigger procrastinator?). They are done as much as I can get them done, still a few stragglers for one reason or another. As I was whipping them out, every so often I'd get a twinge of remorse that I wasn't spending more time to feel the words I was writing. But then type-A-me, the one that even forged Dar's signature a couple times just to get them done, would overpower & I'd crank out a few more, not pausing to really even process who I was writing to thank.
And for that, I feel bad. We got so many gifts-enough to set up house & start life together. And I, I hate to admit it, but I expected to receive this many gifts. Our family, friends, & church (mostly church!) came through & lavished us. Our turn to give is coming (has come, a few times over), but I don't know if we'll ever repay or balance the generosity we felt. And so far, all we've done is sent a shallow, not-as-good-of-quality-as-I-would've-hoped postcard. (Please do not let the quality of my thank-you color your opinion of our photographer! She did a fantastic job & these don't give her the credit she deserves.) And I was so intent upon making that October deadline that I didn't really put my heart into writing them:(.
BUT. But we are so grateful for all we received. And we really do thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
*Also, there were a few gifts that we must have misplaced the cards of, so whoever gave us the immersion blender, rubbermaid storage set, & towels, we love them & thank you for them! And I'm sure we mixed up some gifts, (not sure which Janae gave me the coffee mug! oopsie), or left something off of a thank-you, so please know that we did get above & beyond all that we need & we feel very blessed & thank you.