The Sinn's have no lack of apple trees (as they have no lack of anything growable in The Valley) & they have a charming propensity towards self-sustainability. Everyone chips in. Maybe not for the entire process, but at some point or another, they'll all wander by & turn the crank for a bit.
Riley was the main help this time. I had to include the photo above: when I asked him to pose with his cute basket of apples, he said in complete seriousness & innocence, "Here, let me fill it up so it looks better." And proceeded to rob the communal crate to garnish his basket. Don't tease him or he'll be even more camera shy.
We did enough cider to be fun & drink fresh, then spent the rest of the lovely fall day touring the farm & smelling the change of the seasons in the air.
The blueberry bushes are starting to gently put on their winter crimson. It's a mercy of God that He gives us some warmth in the landscape during the rainy, gray days of a Willamette Valley winter (which I have yet to experience: last winter was lovely.)
And here, a photo, albeit unflattering, of my bump. Dar's been taking my camera more. I thought he was napping in the grass & took a little stroll through the hazelnut. That's when he caught me in this photo. It's hard to be the one in front of the camera, unless, cough cough, I have properly primped, but I really do want more photos of our everyday life for posterity. Which is a reality now. Strange. Anyway, you can see my baby belly coming on!
This also counts as farm life update no. 4, btw.