It's incredible watching an infant grow. I'm going to get a monthly photo of her next to my old green bear to measure her growth. These posts are for me, so I don't forget these fragile first moments. Feel free to follow along or just scroll through for the photos!
Three Weeks
She got baby acne & started to be more alert.
Bathtime is something she's enjoyed from the start. A look of pure relaxation comes over her when I rinse her hair. I love her after-bath hair, so curly & fluffy.
Her hair color is hard to define; a little bit of brown, a hint of red, gleams of honey.
She's a good sleeper for the most part, & prefers to sleep in her cozy carseat instead of the bassinet. I can't get her to keep her arms swaddled though!
I had to call the Dr. about some blood in her poo. She told me to cut out milk, & if that didn't help, all dairy. Sad day for this dairy farmer's daughter!
Four Weeks
Had her first fussy spell (I know; we're spoiled beyond words)-I think it was a growth spurt, but who knows. I sure don't. I've never felt so clueless as I do with a child, my own child! Still strange!
Loooves to be held. I looove to hold.
Dar thinks she's going to have blue eyes. We both have brown/hazel, but our mothers are both blue-eyed so it's a possibility. I think probability will win out & she'll have brown. Loser owes winner dinner.
Has a sweet way of smacking her lips in her sleep & quivering
Met her aunties Wendy & Shara for the first time
Can sleep through utter chaos at the Sinn's
Still has blood in her poo, so I'm cutting out all dairy.
Six weeks
Smiled for real! Just in time too; another fussy spell was starting to wear on me, but her smile...swoon.
Starting to prefer being held upright to cuddled.
Rolled from tummy to back at Mom & Dad Sinn's. Purely an accident, I suspect. She hasn't done it again yet.
Her newborn clothes are just now fitting well. She's a peanut at 8#2oz.
She loves to be talked to & will crane her neck to find me if she hears my voice.
Dar gets smiles from her more easily than I, I think! He goes straight to her when he gets home from work.
She has a new whiny cry that means, "Pick me up or play with me!"
Her belly button was growing some extra tissue so the Dr. cauterized it. A totally painless, easy procedure to my relief. The tissue should fall off soon & she'll finally have a normal looking belly button!
Her blood issue is lessening, but hasn't completely disappeared. I will take her in to have it checked out soon.
Her eyelashes suddenly shot out & are as long as mine! I love seeing them rest against her full little cheeks while she's sleeping.
Still sleeping good except for a few days of fussiness. Will go four hours at night! woohoo!