Fiona has blossomed this month. So many new things, so much sweetness! She has this adorable habit of chewing on her toes--both feet up, bent perfectly in half. Crazy flexible girl.
She's rolling over, mostly from back to stomach, but the other way too.
She's weighing in at a hefty(er) 11 lb 8 ounces. Still a little peanut. So we've got doctor's orders to hold on the baby food til five months, much to daddy's dismay. He's just dying to stuff a spoon in her "mundy" (long U sound--it's a Sinn word for mouth...not sure where they come up with some of these.)
It was also the month of her first haircut. As you can see, she was beginning to sport a mohawk, & as reluctant as I was to cut her hair, something obviously needed to be done. I let Dar at it. It was rough. I strongly dislike first haircuts. There's something so fragile & sweet in those flossy little strands. (I had NO idea I'd be so sentimental over hair! Hair, people!) Some day, I will find an envelope marked "Fiona's hair" & wonder why in the world I kept it.
Don't mind the spit up.
The "after" photo. So much scalp. Sigh.She graduated from sleeping in her car seat at night to the pack & play in our room, but it isn't working very well, so she might get moved back. We are going to have a one year old sleeping in her car seat!
She's started sitting too. I can't believe how fast she's growing. She's too busy to be cuddled these days (boo!) with all the world to discover. Textures get her going, especially soft & cuddly, but she likes scratching at goose-bump raising textures too.
I love this little girl with her round, rosy cheeks & blond (?!) hair (even if most of it is gone now). She makes my life full & my nights a little less full than they used to be, but boy, do we love her!