
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Transitioning into two

Two. Two years old. Two children. Both terrify me a little. Fiona's always been a pretty good-natured little girl. She didn't give us too much trouble as a newborn & has transitioned well through all the hurdles so far. But two. Two has me whimpering a little. There are tantrums & strong opinions about ridiculous things like pigtails & whether or not she's going to wear pants. There is this new habit of taking off in parking lots when my hands are full & refusing to come back when I ask. There is the bottle. (Oh, the bottle. We loved you & you have served us well. But now...) And after two years of sleeping happily in her crib, she finally figured out how to bail out & came knocking at our door one night. It was a moment of 2 am panic. I'd grown hardened to the occasional bouts of midnight crying, but she would eventually give up & go to sleep. Now, my strategy has been shattered. We decided to just transition her into a toddler bed & accept that she was no longer a baby to stay contained. She is two, after all. So I've been spending portions of every night (multiple times a night) trying to quietly heave my 30 week pregnant self out of a rustle-y, uncomfortable toddler bed after she falls asleep. For the third time. 
And yet, two has been terribly sweet. Even at 3 am, when she comes padding into our room in her little footie pajamas, blankie balled up in her arms, I melt when she whispers, "Mama, come sleep with me." And we go to her little toddler bed & she makes room for me & pats me on the cheek and says, "Stay". And I realize what a privilege it is to be her mother. To see her grow & learn. To want to be like me, I can't quite fathom it. Where I am, she wants to be. 

 On the counter, helping bake. Repeating my phrases. It's so hard to remember her tiny newbornness with all the words, songs, & personality she has. I know my flaws, I know the resentment I carry towards her sometimes for being so needy! I know the relief I feel when she goes down for a nap, that finally, I can get something done! And she loves me in spite of it all. And I her. There is just so much I love about this little nugget!

 She picks me flowers. (All the flowers...) And says, "ooh, bea-ful!"
 And then she tells me, "I'm tired. Want to take a nap." I do have it good, I know.

Two of them though? It's just starting to feel manageable with one! (Besides all the aforementioned challenges...) I don't know how to have two children. I'm not sure I can do this.

And then I tell myself: "You didn't know how to have one." And I know two years, two kids, will be okay. I'm still terrified. I still don't know how I'll do it. There will be tears & mistakes made, & weariness & despair. But there will be joy & growth, learning & forgiveness, too. I look back at how much Fiona has shaped me & shaved off the selfishness & deepened my character. And I know it's been good.

(That said, I'm still terrified. What were some of your wrong expectations about having two kids? What were some of the best adjustments you made to make the transition easier?  Do you have any regrets about how you handled it? How do you fit all the groceries in your cart??

I really would appreciate any and all advice!)


  1. Sticking to a routine helped me adjust to each addition (shocking, I know). I kept my expectations low for what I would accomplish in a day too. The adjustment went pretty smoothly and once the kids learn to play together, they don't "need" you as much, which obviously is both awesome & sad. As far as the groceries....I know that I took the kids, but I can't remember how it all went. Maybe my brain is blocking it :)

    1. Ah, routine. We just don't do well with those. But I think even Dar is willing to try it at this point! (He's put time in in the crib too;) ). I can't believe your boys are at the stage they are either. Weren't they just playing Fat Queen & nerf wars?

  2. Here's a bit of hope sweet friend-- two children is nice because they play together. My oldest was needy, not in a bad way... just busy, hopping from one thing to the next rather quickly, and never playing by herself. It was tiring. Then when our second was born, whew! It got smoother. She had someone else to pay attention to. Someone to hold. Someone to make laugh. It really took the pressure off me.

    When their bed routine changes life is just rough!! When they move from two naps to one it's rough. When they learn to get out of crib it's rough. When they stop taking naps it's really rough. Because their boundaries have changed. Kids like boundaries in a weriod sort of way. It makes them feel secure. A bed they can get out of is the worst! They have no boundary and they don't know how to handle it. I'm sorry it's just rough!

    Only thing that helped us was like Wendy said, routine. Especially bed time routine. And consistent bed time. We bribed a couple of them too! A penny if they stayed in their bed all night!!! 😜

    Sending a prayer your way! Hang in there!💕

    1. I'm not above bribes! And I'll cling to two being playmates. Just think of all I'll be able to get done:).

      And I tell myself too: if we have to buy a bigger bed to hold us & the kids, so be it.

      thanks for praying!

  3. As far as I can recall, I adored having two kids. River slept all night though and took a 3 hour nap every day and Madeira was an easy going baby. I definitely recommend keeping your expectations low and life as simple as you can. As far as groceries, I used my baby wrap a lot with Harbor and it was a lifesaver.
    Now when Madeira was around one, they started playing more together but they started fighting too... Not my favorite.
    My kids were never very good at accepting bribes when they were little - candy for peeing/pooping? Forget it! They could not have cared less. But if you can find the right carrot to dangle for Fee for sleeping all night, it wouldn't hurt.
    I'm sure it will all work out fine. You're a good mom ;). You've got Fee to 2 and made it most of the way through a second pregnancy so I mean, you're basically a rock star.
