
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


How was your Easter? 
My weekend in Oregon seemed to be one of hope & promise. Everywhere, there were signs of life: the flower beds were a chorus of bright colors, all nodding their agreement to my own happy thoughts. Pale pink petals from the flowering plums sifted down in a clematis-scented breeze. The magnolia tree unfurled her waxy petals for me while I was there. A rainbow framed the Sinn home on Saratoga Drive upon my arrival--and then the rest of the days, it was sunny enough to rival SoCal. All spoke of a lovely future in Oregon, of a promise that all will be well there, that God is the author of this most recent & exciting change. And it was Easter even, a remembrance of His even more precious gift. How could it not be good?!
I love being a part of the "Thomas Sinn" goings-on. Jesse & Laura were there for the weekend, so it was the total clan. Lots of good food again--lamb on Easter, impromptu hikes, walks on the berry roads, a day spent at Pacific City beach. I managed not to disgrace myself tumbling down the giant sand dune this time:). (I knew then, three years ago, I'd never live it down. And waaaay in the back of my mind, I felt like Oregon would be my home one day. Isn't life funny?)  But wow, what a gorgeous day! Seventies & sunny. SoCal had nothing on Oregon that day. It's hard to believe this will be a reality for me, to be able to pack up a cooler & head out to the coast for the day, to have waterfalls in my backyard, flowers blooming in February. I won't have to try too hard to make my family come visit, methinks. 


  1. Wow! So pretty and spring-y. We're probably going to miss every bit of our magnolia tree's bloom this year, so it was nice to see a picture of one.
    And it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. We'll come visit when we can :).

  2. Looks lovely! Still no flowers here :(

  3. It looks lovely. It does make me sad, though, to think of you spending all your holidays without our awesome family though. Pretty flowers, sand dunes, and the coast can't hold a candle to us. :) Glad you're happy though.

  4. pure bliss!!!
    What a delight to have our minds stirred by this vision of what we most assuredly know is coming.....the sweet scents of Spring!
    Did I ever tell you how much I love Oregon!....:)
